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About Sweeter Days Literature

You may ask, "Why is your business called Sweeter Days Literature?" When I started to write and was thinking about publishing some of my writing, I needed a name for my business. I decided on Sweeter Days Literature because my life has gotten sweeter as the days go by, and I become closer to the Lord.

In our lives we have good times and times of hardship or trials. Trials can be financial, emotional, spiritual, etc. Most people would rather go through good times than trials. I will admit that I'm one of those people. I don't like hardship in any form. However, hardships are like exercise; it's not pleasant, but it makes you stronger. It will also bring you closer to the Lord if you react to it correctly. As the saying goes, you can use a situation to become bitter or better.

As I look back at the trials in my life, each one has brought me closer to the Lord. Sometimes the trials seem insurmountable. I feel as if I won't survive and try to escape it. But when I get to the other side, I'm closer to the Lord and understand Him better than before. And I'm very glad for the trial because my relationship with the Lord is worth more than anything else to me.

So, no matter what I'm going through, the days are sweeter as I grow closer to the Lord. I hope that happens with you also. God bless!

Nancy Hitt

About the Author

Nancy Hitt

Nancy Hitt was raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ as her Savior when she was twelve years old. Through the years God has continued to work in her life, teaching her to walk closer with Him. Nancy is married and has three daughters, three sons-in-law, and eight grandchildren. Her greatest desire is for her life to be used by the Lord, especially in the lives of her family. She began writing in order to pass on the godly heritage she had received to her children and grandchildren. She also found it to be a fun change from the accounting work she normally does. Nancy and her husband currently live in Spring Hill, Florida, and try to visit their family as often as possible.